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Focus PeriodsHeader illustration
The Golden Ratio provides a range of focus periods for different sized tasks. This helps you estimate how fast you can complete a task before getting started. Each value is in minutes.
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What Is the Golden Ratio?
BreaksHeader illustration
Sneaking away for regular breaks is part of a ninja’s journey. Spiral will help you find the perfect balance of focus time and break time that unlocks new levels of ninja mastery.
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InsightsHeader illustration
Every ninja must master the art of self improvement. Insights create a more accurate snapshot than traditional time-tracking, so you can continuously improve your time management strategy.
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Reflections Header illustration
A ninja won’t reach the highest peaks of excellence without reflection. Keeping a record of thoughts and accomplishments will deepen your insight and accelerate your journey.
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Agile MethodologyHeader illustration
Spiral uses The Golden Ratio (or Fibonacci Series) to help you estimate task size, a technique used regularly by high performing software developers and project managers.
The Golden RatioHeader illustration
The Golden Ratio is a sacred proportion known in the ancient world, and often found in nature.
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It can be derived by starting with 1 + 1 = 2, and then continuing to add the previous two numbers in the series together.
1 + 2 = 3
2 + 3 = 5
3 + 5 = 8
5 + 8 = 13
8 + 13 = 21
This creates what is know as the Fibonacci Series which is 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89...
The increase between each number in the Fibonacci Series averages out to a number called phi, The Golden Ratio (which is a little over 60%).
Why Use It to Estimate Task Size?Header illustration
The Golden Ratio creates a relative increase with each step, which helps you estimate time-frames more easily than with a linear scale.
Making estimates for tasks will help you break down work, challenge you to get things done quickly, and encourage you to stay focused on each task until completion.
Not convinced? The Fibonacci series is also used in project management and software development for the same purpose - to help estimate task size.
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